Must-Do Spring Cleaning Tips for your Garage

If the long winter means that the clutter has piled up in your garage, spring could not have come at a better time. Spring cleaning your garage can get everything organized and in its proper place, meaning that you may even be able to park your car inside the garage.
Follow our tips and cleaning your garage will be an afternoon well spent.
1. Start by clearing the clutter. It may be easy to remove everything from the garage (or work in sections) and sort it outside of the space. If you find items that might be better stored somewhere besides the garage, move them.
You can pitch items that need to be thrown away, make a pile to donate (or sell) things that you no longer use and make a second pile of items to save and put away.
2. Once the garage is clear, take some time to clean. Now that the area is clear, do some quick cleaning. Sweep the area clean of rocks, salt and other winter grime. Then give it a quick rinse. If you have shelving in your garage, give it a quick dusting.
3. Establish designated spaces. If keeping your garage organized is difficult, this step is key. With the space cleared, take a quick look around and determine an area where you can place bins and other organizational items like shelving.
4. Once you have identified what to keep, organize it. After you have established a pile of items that you want to keep and store in the garage, group all of the like items together. Common groups can include:
- Repair supplies and tools
- Car supplies
- Sporting equipment
- Garden tools
- Holiday decorations
5. Next, designate spaces for each of the groups. If you are having trouble finding a space to keep like items together, consider installing shelving or cabinets. If there are items you need regular access to (for example, your lawn mower and garden tools), place those in an easy-to-get-to area.
Other quick fixes for organizing include:
- Hanging a peg board for small tools
- Using metal reels for hoses and other cords
- Use bins for sporting equipment, but be sure to label them
- Place large items (bins or cabinets) on a moving platform
- Put small items like screws or nails inside a glass jar
Once you’ve gotten everything put back inside the garage and organized, it’s time for the best step: sit back and relax!